Hi, I’m Rich B. from the U.S.
The reason I created this site is because I noticed a lot of people from the US who desire to explore a Spanish-speaking country, but they’re hesitant to (or even afraid to) largely because they don’t know noooo Spanish. And I’ve found this holds a lot of US citizens back from exploring a whole new side of the world full of Rich Experiences.
I understand, because it held me back for a long time, but I eventually broke out of that, and now I feel liberated and empowered and have been solo-traveling across Latin America like a boss! I want to let you know that you can do the same (even if it’s just a short vacation every now & then). But you will need to know some Spanish -if you want to get the most out of your travels.
Yeah, you can try to get by without it, but believe me, your experiences will be very limited and most definitely not as fulfilling.
But don’t worry, through my blog I’ll help you by providing you with tried & true tips that have helped me level-up my Spanish – fast!
Now you can learn from a fellow native English speaker from the US who’s been through the trenches of learning Spanish and can help you navigate the often confusing learning process.
And although I’m from the US, I’m not even from a place where Spanish is really even spoken. I’m from Michigan. So if I can do it, you can too!
Enough about me, let’s talk about you.

Rich B.
Good Enough Spanish
“You don’t have to be perfect, just be good enough.”
Note: My site focuses on Latin American Spanish.