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How to use a Spanish Washing Machine in Latin America?😕

When traveling through Latin America, many people find themselves confused and wondering the same thing: “How to use a Spanish washing machine?”

Hey, don’t feel bad, I didn’t know either at first…which is the very reason I created this post!
So hopefully this guide will help to wash your confusion away (pun intended😁).

Basic Washing Machine Functions

First of all, how do even you say washing machine in Spanish? … The answer is Lavadora.

Now, let’s review the basics. You’ll see the words “encender” and “apagar” on the machine.

  • Encender means to turn it on (think of it as sending a signal to the machine to start).
  • Apagar means to turn it off (imagine you’re backing away or “parting ways” with the machine).

Once the machine is on, you’ll need to start the wash cycle:

  • Inicio is the start button (think of initiating something).
  • Pausa means Pause, kinda looks and sounds the same, right?

Program Settings

Now, let’s get into the programas (program settings). These will vary depending on the type of wash you need.

  1. Inteligente: This is an intelligent wash cycle where the machine adjusts settings for you.
  2. Rápido: For when you’re in a hurry and need a fast wash.
  3. Fuerte: Strong wash for really dirty or heavy clothes.
  4. Cobijas: This setting is for washing blankets.
  5. Tenis: For washing tennis shoes or similar items.
  6. Aero Centrifugado: This is for spin drying only, without water.

Additional Functions

There’s also a limpieza de tanque option, which is for cleaning the tank, keeping your machine fresh and ready for use.

Next, you’ll find settings for nivel del agua (water level), with the following options:

  • Mínimo: Minimum water level.
  • Bajo: Low water level.
  • Medio: Medium water level.
  • Alto: High water level.

You can also choose función adicional (additional functions), such as:

  • Reutilizar agua: Reuse water for a more eco-friendly wash.
  • Delicado: For delicate clothes.
  • Menos arrugas: To reduce wrinkles.
  • Remojo: Soak function for extra dirty clothes.

Regional Consistency

From my experience, washing machines in Latin America (whether in Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, or Panama) are mostly the same. So, once you learn these settings, you’re pretty much set for all your travels.

Overcoming Language Barriers

If you don’t speak Spanish, this can feel intimidating at first. Without any English translation on the machine, it’s easy to feel lost in space. However, with a bit of patience, you’ll get the hang of it. It took me a while too, but knowing these key terms will make things much easier for you.

Gas Settings & Safety

One last thing: many Airbnb units in Latin America use gas settings for hot water. If you want hot water for your wash, make sure to turn the gas on. The words to look for are:

  • Abierto: Open (to turn on the gas).
  • Cerrado: Closed (to turn it off after use).

Remember to turn off the gas after washing for safety and conservation purposes. You might also find temperature controls for the water, but they are usually set by default.

I hope this post cleared up your confusion about how to use a Spanish washing machine.
Now go forth and wash your clothes with confidence! And return to let me know how it goes…👍🏼


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Thanks, I was wondering about this, really helps a lot!

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